This is the storyboard I made for my current project which for a music video for the song "Swim Good" by Frank Ocean. The story behind this music video is based on his dreams and nightmares, through out the video you see a lot of binary oppositions for example boy vs girl, dream vs reality, happy vs sad and life vs death. The song has lyrics about suicide, stardom/fame, murdering or the grieving of his loss of his ex-girlfriend, a rebirth of himself and being gay and coming out. I have decided to follow through with the idea of stardom/fame, a rebirth of himself and the murdering/loss of the ex-girlfriend. In the storyboard you can see the idea of stardom and fame when hes driving the car, the car in the storyboard is supposed to be a Ferrari symbolising his wealth and success. We also see him at a graveyard placing flowers for someone, and shown flash backs of him proposing to a girl, they are seen happily hugging, kissing and in bed together, but also seen arguing, fighting (the girl throws glass at him), and not talking to each other facing away from each other. This shows the loss of the girlfriend. We also see the rebirth of him when he decides to run away and blow up his own house, and creating a new identity as if he is dead, however, we see him in the end at a beach still alive, the idea of the beach is to link with the lyric of him saying: "I'm about to drive into the ocean" this has connotations of a rebirth as the waves are baptising him in a way, making him a new man "the waves are washing me out". In the storyboard I have also planned all the camera angles and transitions I would be using throughout the music video.
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